What is Antisemitism? Historical, Political and Personal Perspectives
March 3, 2019
On Sunday, March 3, a panel of professors and students addressed aspects of anti-Semitism at the 2019 Allan and Norma Harris Day of Jewish Study. The engaged audience of more than 150 Northwestern students and community members considered, among others things, pre-modern roots of anti-Semitism, the role of anti-Semitism in the white power movement, and the relationship between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Speakers were: Professors David Shyovitz and Sara Hirschhorn of Northwestern University, Professor Kathleen Belew of the University of Chicago, and students Jess Schwalb, Ariel Sheffey, Charlie Valdes Yelin. Moderator: Professor Claire Sufrin.
Panel Video:
“What is Antisemitism? Historical, Political and Personal Perspectives”